5 Tips to combat anxiety and fear of change
While we may feel more in control by sticking to what is familiar, it can also limit our experiences and trap us into a false belief that we can't make positive changes, which may lead to depression and anxiety.
Suicide Grief: Three ways to give and receive support for your loss
Grief of any kind is often painful and life altering, however grieving the loss of a loved one who has died by suicide is unique in many ways. Having lost my father and brother to suicide, I was asked to write a guest article for International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day to help dispel myths and increase understanding and compassion for people who have experienced a suicide loss.
How do I know if I have Depression or Anxiety?
Feeling stressed out, worried or frustrated may be typical responses to life situations. You may be wondering what’s the difference between feeling sad or worried and experiencing something more serious, such as a depressive or anxiety disorder.
What's the difference between psychotherapy, counseling and therapy?
Therapy, counseling and psychotherapy are often used interchangeably and carry a similar meaning. Both imply "talk therapy" and a healing, empathic relationship with a health care professional.